로그라인 웹툰 공모전에 도전 중인 현실 세계 작가와 웹툰 속 인물들의 이야기를 다룬 코미디
웹툰 작가 자망생 한도는 대학 만화 공모전에 지원해 16강에 오른다. 같은 시각, 웹툰 세상에서는 주인공 오디션 중이다. 순정만화 주인공을 꿈꿨으나 낮은 스펙 때문에 오디션에서 떨어진 남주는 울며 겨자 먹기로 한도의 병맛 웹툰 「도키도키 콜렉션」에 들어간다. 남주는 여주와 다른 등장인물들과 부대끼면서 차츰 한도의 병맛 웹툰 세상에 적응해 간다. 한편, 한도는 승승장구하며 결승까지 오르지만 과거 인기 순정 만화가를 표절했다는 의혹이 터지면서 위기를 맞는데…
창작의도 만화 속 캐릭터들은 컷과 컷 사이에 또 다른 삶이 있지 않을까? 라는 의문에서 시작한 작품이다. 절묘하게 맞물린 현실과 웹툰 속 인물들이 각자 위기를 극복하는 모습을 코믹하게 보여줄 예정이다.
작가 오유선
서강대학교 신문방송학과 졸업
작곡가 주영민
홍익대학원 공연예술학부 뮤지컬전공 졸업
뮤지컬 <배쓰맨>(2017), <경성특사>(2017), <너에게 빛의 속도로 간다>(2015) 외 다수
主题标语 现实世界正在参加网络漫画比赛的漫画画家,以及漫画中人物们的喜剧。
梦想成为漫画家的韩度报名参加大学生漫画大赛,并进入了16强。同时,漫画世界在进行主角选拔赛。梦想成为纯情漫画男主却因为资历不好被淘汰,硬着头皮进了韩度的搞笑漫画《DOKI DOKI collection》 里。男主,女主和其他人物们在不断冲突中渐渐适应了恶搞漫画世界的生活。另一边,韩度乘胜长驱进入决赛,却忽然陷入被疑以前创作的纯情漫画作品抄袭的风波中……
创作意图 漫画中角色们在格子间会不会有另一个世界呢?作品从个小小的发问出发,巧妙的连接在一起的现实世界和漫画世界的人各自克服困难的过程喜剧化的呈现出来。
西江大学 新闻放送系 毕业
弘益大学 演出艺术学部音乐剧专业 毕业
音乐剧 《BATHMAN》(2017),《京城特使》(2017),《光速奔向你》(2015)等
ログライン ウェブ漫画の公募展に挑戦中の現実世界の作家とウェブ漫画の中の人物らの話を描いたコメディ
ウェブ漫画家志望のハンドは、大学の漫画公募展に志願し最終16人に残る。同じ時間、ウェブ漫画の中の世界では主人公のオーディションが行われている。少女漫画の主人公を夢見てきたが、 低スペックのせいでオーディションに落ちた男主人公は、泣く泣くハンドのウェブ漫画「ドキドキコレクション」に入っていく。男主人公は女主人公と他の登場人物たちと苦労しながら次第にハンドの漫画の世界に慣れていく。一方、ハンドは絶好調で最終選考まで進んでいくが、昔の人気少女漫画家の作品を盗作したという疑惑が浮かびあがり危機に瀕する…
捜索意図 漫画の中のキャラクターはカット間に別の暮らしがあるんじゃないか?という疑問から始まる作品。絶妙にかみ合った現実とウェブ漫画の中の人物がそれぞれ危機を乗り越える姿をコミカルに見せる予定。
作家 オ・ユソン
作曲家 ジュ・ヨンミン
ミュージカル「Bath Man」(2017)、「京城特使」(2017)、「光の速度」(2015)その他多数
Log-Line This is a comedy musical about the story of the webtoon heroine who is addicted to some sort of stupid cartoon world even if she would like to be a heroine of romance comics, and main character in reality by applying webtoon contest.
Han-Do, the aspirant for webtoon writer got into the round of 16 for the college cartoon contest. At the same time inside the cartoon world, the new webtoon character contest held. Nam-Joo, the aspirant for romance cartoon character failed on the audition due to her low specification, so she joined into (some sort of stupid cartoon) ‘DOKIDOKI COLLECTION’ (Han-Do’s work). Nam-Joo adapted herself to this stupid cartoon by meeting some other characters in ‘DOKIDOKI COLLECTION’. Meanwhile, Han-Do became a private tutor of his friend’s sister, Soo-Jin. While he was on his roll by teaching Soo-Jin, he was accused of plagiarizing from Hyoung-Jun’s method, the famous romance cartoonist…
Intention of Creation Is there any other life between the cuts of characters in the cartoon? This work started from the question above, and tells about the daily life and crisis of webtoon characters, the cartoonist aspirant on the real life, and their new relationships in it. We are going to show the scenes of coming over the crisis by using characters’ conflict, harmony with comic method as well as to show the story to reveal the truth against the cheater who steals other’s method and technics on the world of earnest background to apply cartoon contest.
Yoo-Sun Oh, Writer
Graduated from SOGANG University, Department of Mass Communication
Young-Min Joo, Composer
HONG-IK University, School of Performing Arts, Musical major
Musical ‘BATH MAN’(2017), ‘Senior Envoy of Kyoung-Sung’(2017), ’Coming to you at the speed of light’(2015) and many more