Table Reading for ‘Arthur SAVIL’s Crime’
Date and Time: 13:40~15:40, Sep. 18th 2018
Place: CACAO Imagination Center on 10th Floor at the Contents Korea Lab
Director: Hyun-Woo Kim
Cast: Poong-Rae Cho, Ji-Seung Cho, Dae-Kon Kim, Soon-Mi Heo
Second work at the second day of the table reading for Glocal Musical LIVE (GML) Season 3 was ‘Arthur SAVIL’s Crime’ which was dramatized from the novel of Oscar Wilde. Background of the original in Victoria age in England has been moved onto the beginning of in 1920 of America. The story is about Arthur SAVIL whose fate is changed by three prophecies. Lots of opinions were mainly about the relationship and setting of each character.
Je-Hyoung Ryu, director of SAMSAN ENT regrets about the character setting of HERVIN KELKOV, son of rich who loves Rena Rose, wanderer and immigrant. The main character Arthur SAVIL is a person who puts much more desire than his love. On the other hand, HERVIN KELKOV gives his unstinted love to Rena Rose. He said, “There’s no such contract at the sight of love between those two characters, nevertheless of the character setting.” Poong-Rae Cho, the role of Arthur SAVIL hoped and said, “Arthur SAVIL is such a person not to pursue his love but his success, so I hope this could be shown much clearly.” This was a sort of point-out that the contract, conflict and composition are already set up, however, they should be shown much clearly.

Same as Rena Rose. Soon-Mi Heo, the role of Rena said, “Arthur SAVIL comes to realize that the one he loves was Rena Rose at last, but I don’t quite see the relationship of those two characters.” Youn-Mi Kim, the writer said she set up Rena Rose as a woman who doesn’t have anything so that she is contract to CIVIL MULTON, daughter of a councilman and has everything. So Rena Rose was set up as an immigrant as well as deaf. Uncertainty about Rena Rose was not solved even if Kim explained. Many questions went on such as, whether Rena was a real prophet or not, why she didn’t give the 3rd card to SAVIL, also why HERVIN KALKOV did not accept such an attractive proposal to take care of her, how and when Arthur SAVIL gets to start loving Rena Rose, etc. Byoung-Sung Park, director of the MUSICAL said, “I thought Rena Rose has a kind of gypsy style, and the writer said she also has a desire for success as a weak person at her society, so I guess those two concepts are contradictory.”
The fate of Arthur SAVIL from Rena Rose’s 3rd prophecy was to kill the person he loves most, and he’ll lose his precious thing unless he obeys. Hyoun-Woo Kim, director said he is somewhat interested in the setting that the first two prophecies made SAVIL succeed but the last 3rd prophecy is composed of the subjunctive mood with ‘unless ~ he will ~’. But the motive to practice 3rd prophecy is somewhat weak. Method of murdering which the poison was delivered to the address of Arthur SAVIL is careless so that the crime might be revealed easily. Byoung-Sung Park also said, “Arthur SAVIL got enough motive to murder compared to the first draft, however, this draft also makes him such as a psychopath because it doesn’t have any conflict until murder.” Je-Hyoung Ryu also asked to make the motive and conflict about murder more intensify and said, “Drag every emotion until the murder arises, but it didn’t.”

Arthur SAVIL tried to kill his precious person by obeying the 3rd prophecy. Hyoun-Woo Kim suggested and said, “A composition to make SAVIL realize that the one he loved was Rena Rose by murdering each one of the list he loved might be better“. Byoung-Sung Park questioned the reason why Rena Rose made a conversation by writing sometimes because it looks uncomfortable, and the writer explained, “Rena Rose was such a representative person to dream through the 1920 silent movie age, so I hoped to make audiences understand this feeling of silent movie at the work.” Byoung-Won Kang, CEO of the LIVE suggested, “I hope that you consider the setting to make Rena Rose as an actress at the silent movie age and give SAVIL those feelings. And I also hope those four desires could be shown much clearly by contracting together.” Poong-Rae Cho suggested some kind of reversal and said, “Actually the last card was not that prophecy, so what about making Rena Rose prophesy for the money or something.”